Top 7 restaurant CX trends you need to know
Customers are looking for a great dining experience, starting from their first search, social media engagement, or website visit. An optimized customer experience (CX) that ensures a seamless online to in-person dining experience can boost customer loyalty and bolster your bottom line.
Trusted by hundreds of
multi-location brands worldwide
Chatmeter is powering results every day
Chatmeter gives us the unique ability to isolate which metrics should be used to score a restaurant location and compare locations to each other. Apples to apples.
We are pleased to partner with Chatmeter because they provide a single, accurate, easy to use tool to measure the impact of reviews, social, and local SEO for each dealership.
Chatmeter has helped immensely with our Listing Management as we grow as a company. They have shown that they truly are industry experts.
The streamlined, easy-to-use interface and immediate notifications have helped us get better at managing social media, maps, listings, and review sites for our locations.